Auditions for Pygmalion!

Audition Videos are now being accepted through Friday 10/15/2021 for our virtual production of Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw.

Pygmalion is the story of a poor flower girl, Eliza Doolittle, who lands in the middle of a wager between a professor of phonetics, Professor Higgins, and a linguist, Colonel Pickering. Higgins bets the colonel he can transform the cockney-speaking girl into a poised duchess in just a matter of months. Eliza believes her lessons with the professor will gain her status and respect within society, but what she gains goes far beyond the surface.

Please send your submission to our director Paige DeGirolamo ( Your submission should include:

*Please include videos as unlisted Youtube links*

Potential Virtual Callback Date: Sunday October 17 @7pm

Important Dates to Remember

Potential Virtual Callback Date: Sunday October 17 @7pm

Rehearsals: Sun/Mon/Thurs 7-10pm starting October 24

Tech Week: Dec 5-11

Shows: December 11 & 12

Happy Auditioning!