‘Tis the Season…for Auditions!
Auditions are coming for TTG’s staged reading of…
The Illustrated Xmas Sweater
by Ashley Lauren Rogers (https://www.ashleylaurenrogers.com)
Directed by Matthew Garlin
Synopsis: Claire got just what she wanted for Christmas, an ugly sweater! But as the sweater starts telling her “stories,” she must ask: did Claire get more than she bargained for? A night of accidental anti Christmas tales! A bachelor party gone wrong, exploding elves, Satan impersonators, and so much more!
Auditions – Monday September 25 and Tuesday September 26, 7:00-9:00 PM
Performances: Friday, November 3 and Saturday, November 4, 8:00 PM
Rehearsals: Sunday afternoons (precise times TBD – 12-2 PM for the first few weeks), Mondays and Tuesdays 7:00-9:00 PM
Venue: Melrose Highlands Congregational Church – 355 Franklin St, Melrose, MA 02176
Character Breakdowns
Unless otherwise noted all characters can be portrayed by trans and non-binary individuals.
The Illustrated Xmas Sweater
Claire – A mother who loves Christmas sweaters. Makes terrible jokes. Quirky.
Shadow – Movement-based character. Should be able to portray love affection and fear in motion. Shadow should be covered in black fabric NOT MAKEUP.
A Lap Dance for the Invisible Man
Ben – Desperately trying to keep his friend’s bachelor party on track but bumbling the whole way.
Teddy – Dealing with the loss of his friend through alcohol but Is constantly reminded.
Chablis – Las Vegas Stripper. Plays the dumb stereotype for her clients but is all about self-preservation and is wildly intelligent.
How to Get Away With the Mystery of Edwin Drood
Actor – A distinguished actor set to play Charles Dickens, drinking heavily and whos best years as an actor are behind them.
Director – Similar age to actor. Resourceful, loyal, friend of Actor’s doing them a favor getting them this gig.
Black Lipstick
Susan – Young single mother trying to recapture her youth. Must be Ok with physical comedy.
Mandy – Over worked daughter trying to keep her mother from going out dressed the way she is. Must be Ok with physical comedy.
The Mall Satan
Satan – Charismatic, must be able to have an overwhelming and powerful presence but also a smarmy easy to like presence as well.
Manager – Plays the “straight man” archetype to Satan.
Becky’s Christmas Wish
Becky – A child (8-10 but should be played by older actor) thought to be the best little boy or girl in the world… but harbors dark thoughts.
Elf – An androgynous magical Christmas elf imbued with the magic of the season.
Half Pule
Brigid – Woman, breaks into people’s homes to take small groceries here and there otherwise lives off the land. Doesn’t trust (or like) people
Micah – Older man, been trying to live in a tiny home he can’t hope to make payments on.
It’s Been a While
Brynn – A youngish (20s-40s) worker and Covid Compliance officer at the theatre. She is giving a tour of the space.
Florence – A woman (50s-60s) taking a look at a theatre space… but maybe she’s looking at something more…
Join us anytime 7-9pm on our audition days for cold readings and a whole lot of fun!
Virtual Auditions

While in-person productions are on pause, we are excited to be pursuing virtual productions! Keep an eye on this page for announcements for upcoming auditions.
Tech Crew
We are always looking for people to join our tech crew! Whether its your first time or your fiftieth time, we are open to all. We offer opportunities in:
- Stage management
- Light board
- Sound board
- Make-up design
- Costume design
Do you have an interest that isn’t listed there? We’d love to hear from you! Please send any inquiries to info@theatretogo.com.
CALLING ALL DIRECTORS! TTG is seeking proposals for virtual productions, and we want to work with you!
Please submit our Director Proposal form, your résumé, and a PDF of the script to TTGstaffing@yahoo.com. There is no deadline to submit.
Our Board of Directors are committed to creating systemic change within Theatre To Go, Inc. and building an anti-racist and inclusive culture. For these reasons, we strongly encourage BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ directors to apply. Click here to read more about TTG’s commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.
At this time, we are unable to provide a stipend to directors. We appreciate your understanding.